1. Name That Baby
For “Name That Baby”, email your guests prior to the shower and ask them to bring a baby pic with them (and not show it to anyone else). Once all of your guests have arrived, display all of the pics with a number by each one. You can post them on a bulletin board, lay them out on a table, or hang them on the refrigerator with numbered magnets:

Have paper and pencils available for your guests and have them write down their guesses for who each baby is. The shower guest who correctly IDs the most babies wins! It’s a great low-key game to play at the beginning of a shower because guests can wander over to look at the pictures in between grabbing a drink and munchies and/or catching up with friends.
2. Daddy Knows Best (via video)
For this baby shower game, prior to the shower videotape the expectant dad answering a series of questions. The ones that I asked are:
- What has been {expectant mom’s} biggest food craving during the pregnancy?
- What’s the one word that would best describe {expectant mom’s} mood while pregnant?
- Do you think your baby will be born with no hair, a full head of hair, or in between?
- How many diapers do you think your baby will go through in the first year?
- What are you going to be most worried about if the baby is a girl?
- What about if it’s a boy?
- What parenting skills are you bringing to the table?
- What percentage of the time do you think you will get up with the baby at night versus the percentage of time that {expectant mom} will get up?
- Are you or {expectant mom} more likely to be the parent who says “no”?
- Which grandparent will spoil your baby the most?
- Besides you and {expectant mom}, which family member will be your baby’s favorite?
- What year do you think you will buy your first minivan?
- How many happy hours do you expect to go to the first year after the baby is born?
- How many times a month do you think you will hang out with your friends who don’t have kids?
- From 1-10 how prepared do you feel for the baby’s arrival (with 10 being most prepared)?
- What are you most looking forward to about being a dad?
At the baby shower, gather everyone around and play the video of the expectant dad on a computer or TV, pausing it after each question is asked so the mommy-to-be can guess her husband’s answer. Talk about entertaining! We all got some great laughs out of this one. And the video makes a great memento for the couple to watch years down the road.
3. Wishes for the New Baby
Give each shower guest a sheet with “Baby Wishes” to fill in (for a printable PDF of the navy & green sheet click {here}, pink sheet click {here}, and blue sheet click {here}). Collect them at the end of the shower and give all of the endearing baby wishes to the expectant mom!
If you don’t want to spend the time preparing the Baby Wishes cards on your own, you can also buy pre-printed Baby Wishes cards {here}.
4. Late Night Diapers
For “Late Night Diapers”, give each shower guest a few diapers and some fine tipped permanent markers and ask them to write a message to the new mom on the front and/or back of the diapers. Use a brand of diapers that has a more cloth-like feel on the outside such as Pampers Baby Dry rather than diapers with a more slick material. These diapers are to be reserved for late night changings by mom so the point is to write something funny or encouraging to give her a little pick-me-up in the wee hours of the night! Put all of the decorated diapers in a basket that has this “Late Night Diapers” sign attached (click {here} for this printable sign):
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My shower guests came up with some fun messages for their diapers – these are a few of my favorites:
No doubt that these (and a few of the other funny diapers that were a bit too PG-13 to show!) will give new mom a few laughs during those bleary-eyed middle of the night diaper changes. There were also many diapers with sweet, encouraging messages that I know she’ll appreciate such as “Enjoy me, I’ll grow up fast!” and “Don’t ever doubt what a great mom you are”.
I hope sharing these fun baby shower games and activities helps make your shower every bit as fun as ours was! And to help you out a little more with your party planning, I’ve gathered together a few of my favorite baby shower gifts (also see {this post} on decorative growth charts – they’re the perfect gift!):
some favorite invitations:
and some favorite party supplies and favors:
Have fun!