To celebrate Valentine’s Day, my sweet blogger friend Claire of Claire Brody Designs organized a fun little bloghop where our behind-the-scenes husbands are taking center stage. Yep, for some bizarre reason I was all “I’m in!” when asked to post my husband’s unfiltered responses to embarrassing questions about myself. So seriously guys, if you just want to skip over this post and come back next week when we’re back on our typical topic of design, I totally understand. Actually I totally encourage it. Please. For those brave few of you who I wasn’t able to scare away, here we go…
Oh, and since I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, after a few of his responses you’ll see my own comments in italics.
How involved are you with Kris’ blog?
I think my main contribution to the blog is to stay away from Kris’ projects and not mess them up! She’s a perfectionist and a lot handier than I am so I only get involved when I can truly help. Which isn’t often. Or is that never . . .
I secretly (or not so secretly now) think that he’s messed up some projects in the past so that I don’t ask for his help anymore. Smart man – it worked.
How often do you read the blog? Are you an avid reader or do you see enough at home?
I read every post, although sometimes on a binge reading basis. While I don’t read the blog so much for the projects, I like to read what she writes and I really like her candid but humorous writing style (it’s totally her and that’s one of the things I love about her).
Describe Kris’ style.
Affordable but expensive looking. A bit shabby chic. Neutrals queen!
I’m impressed…pretty spot on there!
Describe your style.
Jeans, a blazer, and Chuck Taylors.
What are Chuck Taylors? Those shoes he always wears? Seriously, I have no idea….
How often does your home change?
Daily, weekly, all the time. But I love it.
How many different sofas have you had since marrying Kris?
I count seven (what’s the eighth one??). We actually still have five (a sectional, two sofas, and two loveseats) – kinda crazy that we’ve managed to cram that many into one house.
How often do you offer decorating advice? Does she consider your opinion?
I offer quite a bit of advice but I know now that less than 10% of it will ever be put to use! I think she asks for my opinion from time to time just to zero in on what not to do . . .
Hmm…no comment #busted
What’s your favorite room in the house? Why?
The fireplace room. I love the fireplace that she redesigned, and I love all of of the furniture. It just feels comfortable and relaxing and impressively stylish at the same time.
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What does it really look like behind the camera?
Most of the house looks as nice behind the camera as it does in front of it but Kris is always working on at least five projects at any one time so there’s always one or two rooms with some minor construction going on!
What is a project that you hate but have never voiced (or maybe you have)?
The office. The desk chair is too low, can’t be adjusted, and is uncomfortable. But it looks great . . .
OK, I KNEW that office chair was going to be his answer the second I saw this question. I love it and he hates it. I admit that it’s too low for the desk – putting casters on it is on the ever-growing to-do list. But where the uncomfortable comment comes from, I have no clue – it’s totally comfy!
Do you know any of Kris’ blogger friends? If so, who’s your favorite?
I’ve never met any of her blogger friends but I know there are a few who live nearby that she meets up with every now and then.
Yep, I live by a bunch of bloggers who are all the nicest and most fun girls to hang out with including Annie of Most Lovely Things, Brooke of Nesting with Grace, Charlotte of Ciburbanity, & Terri of Our Sweet Journey. My buddy Lisa of Shine Your Light is a few hours away but we meet up every now and then too! I guess we should have an outing with our husbands one of these times. On second though, nah!
What’s your favorite aspect of Kris being a blogger? Least favorite?
Love the way the house looks. Love the fact that my wife is doing something that she truly loves. Love that she is her own boss. Least favorite is that occasionally the “in progress” projects get in the way of life in the house (but I can live with it)
What are your household chores?
She would probably say none but I take care of all of the landscaping outside. I also wash dishes after most meals when I’m home. And then I do whatever she asks . . .
Yep, his household chores are pretty limited but the man does shape a mean boxwood! I’ve had several people ask me who our landscaper is after seeing these perfectly manicured babies!
What’s something about Kris that her readers might not know (but she would be okay with you sharing)?
She LOVES reality TV. Even the worst of the worst.
Guilty. I’ve got to throw my sister under the bus as partially to blame for this one. She’ll text me at 10pm with something like “turn on channel xx and check out this show on people who are addicted to eating bricks”. She finds the crappiest of the crap reality TV and totally gets me sucked in.
What does Kris REALLY want for Valentine’s Day, and what are you getting her?
That’s a great question. She’s hard to figure out with gifts. Most go back to the store (even when she picked them). I think a nice dinner, flowers (not roses), and a nice card. And maybe a little proactive helping out around the house.
Ha! It may have taken almost 18 years of being married, but he’s finally got me figured out (including that I don’t care for red roses!). Sounds like the perfect Valentine’s Day!

18 years & two kids later….
Have a great President’s Day weekend (hopefully a long weekend for most of you!) and Valentine’s Day everyone! See you next week!